
SWEET本体研究述评 被引量:4

Review of SWEET Ontology
摘要 SWEET本体是规范地球科学概念空间的重要本体,也是本体技术应用于地理学的成功案例。SWEET本体的内容基本涵盖了地球系统科学的主要研究范畴,并通过可扩展性设计保证不断增补学科领域的新知识,为实现基于语义网和Web服务(SWS)的e-Science发展奠定了地球系统科学知识重用和资源共享的基础。文章详细阐述了SWEET本体研究与建设的背景、语言基础、建设原则、版本演进、现状与趋势等,旨在为国内本体研究和地理本体相关领域的研究工作提供借鉴。 SWEET is an important ontology to standardize concept spaces of Earth Science, which can be viewed as a successful model case for ontology technology introduced into geography research. In SWEET, most of branches of Earth System Science have been organized by subjects and facets to provide a scalable solution to an evolving science knowledge representation environment. Much future advantage of SWEET is to enable knowledge reuse and resources sharing, and to enable e-Science based on the Semantic Web and Web Service (SWS)to become a reality. This paper elaborates on SWEET development about its background ontology representation, guiding principles, version evolution, condition and trend. This work is undertaken to provide a valuable reference for national large scale geographical ontology construction.
出处 《标准科学》 2010年第9期38-43,共6页 Standard Science
基金 中国标准化研究院中央基本科研业务经费支持课题"地理信息模型本体描述方法研究"(课题编号:53S-1654)研究成果
关键词 本体 刻面 主题 SWEET ontology, facet, subject, SWEET
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