2007年5月,哈尔滨市某北极狐养殖场一患病2岁雄性北极狐,因右后肢肿胀而就诊。经体格检查和X线拍片检查初步确诊为右后肢股骨肿瘤,患病北极狐就诊第2 d死亡,经病理剖检和病理组织学检查分析,诊断为右后肢股骨Ewing肉瘤。
In May 2007,a 2 year old arctic fox(Aloper lagopus) was ill with the right hind leg and clinically diagnosed to be femoral cancer.After death on the second day,pathological anatomy and histological examination determined to be a femoral Ewing sarcoma of the right leg.The morphological and pathogen-histological characters of the disease were discussed.