

Open Source Compiler Porting of Low Patent Risk
摘要 在对主流的开源编译系统进行调研的基础上,结合优秀的GCC编译系统与LLVM编译系统,探索了其基础架构与移植方法,并对各自的移植专利风险进行了评估,为处理器厂商开发编译器工具链,完善软硬件开发平台和提升硬件性能提供了新的解决方案。 Advanced compiler systems GCC and LLVM are introduced based on a detailed research of dominant open - source compilers. This paper mainly presents the architecture and porting method of GCC and LLVM, and evaluates the patent risk for them respectively. It provides new solutions of developing compiling tools chain, refining hardware and software platform, and promoting the perform- ance of hardware for micro - processor manufacturer.
出处 《微处理机》 2010年第4期14-18,21,共6页 Microprocessors
关键词 编译器 后端移植 GCC编译系统 LLVM编译系统 专利 Compiler Backend porting GCC LLVM Patent
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