
遮断紫外线薄膜覆盖对葡萄树体生长发育、果实产量以及品质的影响 被引量:2

摘要 用紫外线(UV)遮断薄膜覆盖的大棚进行无加温避雨栽培‘Morgen schon’葡萄,探讨了遮断紫外线对葡萄树体生长、果实发育、品质和产量的影响。由于紫外线的遮断,叶片的气孔数增多、光合速率变快,单位重量叶面积(SLA)变大,光合速率提高,新梢伸长生长旺盛,树体各器官的干物重增加;单位树冠投影面积的果实产量增加(比对照多0.4~0.9 kg/㎡),果实品质没有显著差别,但成熟采收期延迟3个月左右。 We tried to cultivate grape 'Morgen Schon' in the unheated green house under ultraviolet rays cut fulm. We found the technology which we can keep it fruiting on a tree and delay harvest time for about 3 months. And also we investigated about yielding ability, quality of fruit and yield under this cultivation. (1) As a resuh of cutting ultraviolet rays cultivation, the photosynthetic rate of individual leave was higher, the number of stoma of individual leave increased, SLA became heavier than usual. The diurnal change of photoshythetic rate was higher in the no UV area in each time period (2) About dry weight per tree, each organ in the no UV area became heavier (3) The growth of shoot under this cultivation was vigur than usual (4) The yield per unit canopy under this cultivation was larger than usual by 0.4-0.9 kg/m^2. There was no difference between both method.
出处 《南方园艺》 2010年第5期49-54,共6页 Southern Horticulture
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