1C.P, Dabry de Thiersant, Le Mahometisme en Chine et dans le Turkestan Orientale, 2 vols. Paris, 1987.
2Marshall Broomhall, Islam in China: A Neglected Problem, London, 1910.
3Raphael Israeli, Muslims in China: A Study in Cultural Confrontation, London and Atlantic Highlands, 1978.
4佛莱彻[Joseph Fletcher].<16世纪晚期穆斯林教团与异教游牧民族间的争端>.
5Confrontations between Muslim missionaries and nomad unbelievers in the late 16^th century: Notes on four passages from the 'Diya al-qulub'. Tractata Ahaica, ed. By W. Heissig{Wiesbaden, 1976}, pp.167-174.
7The Naqshbandiyya and the dhikr-u-arra,Journal of Turkish Studies, Vol. 1 (1977), pp.117-118.
8Journal of Turkish Studies, Vol. 2(1978), p.168.
9Nakada Yoshinobu, Kaikai minsoku no shomondai ( Tokyo: Ajia Keizai Kenkyusho, 1971 ), pp. 13-14.
10Tao Pao-lien, Hisn-mao shih hsing chi ( preface 1895; reprinted Taipei, 1957), 6:8v10. Marshall Broomhall, Islam in China, pp. xvi and 147.