

The Misread Vietnam War:On The Quiet American and Its Two Film Adaptations
摘要 1958和2003年,好莱坞分别发行了根据英国作家格雷厄姆.格林的小说《沉静的美国人》改编的两部影片。两部影片对原著都有不同程度的误读:1958年版的电影将原来的反美小说改编成了一部亲美电影,2003年版的电影则强调了美国与当时一些恐怖事件的联系。两部影片的不同倾向反映出很多美国人对越战的态度经历了从最初的浪漫想象到后来的彻底幻灭这一转变。 The two film adaptations of Graham Greene's The Quiet American by Hollywood in 1958 and 2003 both misread the Vietnam War in a way.Greene alludes to the American involvement in the Vietnam War by depicting Pyle as innocent,but actually responsible for the deaths of many people.The 1958 version turns this anti-American novel into a pro-American film and Pyle is portrayed as an innocent and upright American who supports the genuine Vietnamese nationalist movement.The 2003 version is more faithful to Greene's novel and emphasizes Pyle's connection with the terrorist attacks in Vietnam.The differences between the two film adaptations indicate American people's subtly changing attitudes towards the war: from innocence and romantic imagination like Pyle's to disillusionment.
作者 胡亚敏
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期98-101,共4页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"美国民族神话与战争小说研究"(10CWW017)阶段性成果
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  • 4Greene, Graham. The Quiet American [ M ]. London: William Heinemann, 1955.
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