
瑞典大学第三使命的支持要素、成效及障碍 被引量:2

Support Factors,Performance and Obstacle to the Third Mission of Swedish Universities
摘要 随着全球化和知识经济时代的到来,除了教学与研究之外,大学与社会和经济的合作成为其第三使命.在瑞典,作为研发的主力机构,大学在知识经济中被赋予承担将知识转换成生产力的主要责任.就目前瑞典国内所达成的共识,大学的第三使命主要涉及大学与工业的合作及科研成果的商业化.本文将介绍瑞典为推动及实施大学第三使命所作的努力、取得的成效、障碍并阐述其对中国的借鉴与启示. With the advent of globalization and knowledge economy era, in addition to teaching and research, cooperation with society and economy has become the third mission of universities. As the main body of research and development, universities have primary responsibility for transferring knowledge into productivity in Sweden. Now there is a common recognition in Sweden that the third mission is mainly related to the cooperation between universities and industries, commercialization of research achievements. It introduces the efforts of the Swedish government to promote and implement the third mission of universities, the performance and the obstacles during the process, which provides reference and relevation for university-industry cooperation in China.
作者 赵频 马向平
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期85-91,共7页 R&D Management
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(CUGW090234)
关键词 瑞典大学 第三使命 学者免除权 Swedish universities third mission teacher's exemption
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