利用Aspen Plus软件对废C4板式萃取塔进行了流程模拟,并结合塔板水力学计算,对该塔进行了优化设计。结果表明,由改造前的油相作分散相改为以水相作分散相,适宜的溶剂比为2.0,并将塔的降液管改为升液管,可使塔板效率由约0.05提高至约0.10,进而使塔直径由800 mm减小至600 mm,开孔数由692减少至403,塔顶废C4中乙腈质量分数为0.3%。
The process flow of waste C4 plate extraction column was simulated by using Aspen Plus software,and through the hydraulics calculation of column plate,the design of the column were optimized.The results showed that the plate efficiency could increase from 0.05 to 0.10,the column diameter could decrease from 800 mm to 600 mm,the number of sieve opening could reduce from 692 to 403,and the mass fraction of acetonitrile in waste C4 at column top was 0.3% by using water as dispersed phase instead of oil,selecting moderate solvent ratio as 2.0 and changing downcomer into lift tube.
Petrochemical Technology & Application