

Analysis of unit No.2 runner hub oil supply pipe disconnecting accident at Naji Navigation Complex
摘要 介绍了那吉航运枢纽2#机组因主轴腔内的轮毂油管脱落而引起的事故经过,经检查确认事故原因为轮毂油管螺纹连接处的止动块断裂导致轮毂油管脱落。对止动块断裂的原因进行了分析,并介绍了事故损坏设备的修复措施。 An introduction was made on the accident occurred at Naji Navigation Complex and resulted from loosening and disconnection of runner hub oil supply pipe inside the main shaft of turbine generator unit No.2.According to inspection results,it was ascertained that breakage of stop blocks at the thread connecting positions of oil pipe led to the accident.Based on analysis of the causes for the breakage,the author introduced the repairing measures for the damaged components.
作者 黄剑
出处 《广西水利水电》 2010年第4期81-83,共3页 Guangxi Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering
关键词 灯炮贯流式水轮发电机组 轮毂油管 止动块断裂 那吉航运枢纽 Bulb turbine generator unit runner hub oil supply pipe breakage of stop block Naji Navigation Complex
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