
海洋立管涡激振动的流固耦合模拟计算 被引量:10

Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structural Interaction for Vortex-Induced Vibration of Risers
摘要 通过求解粘性Navier-Stokes方程、湍流模型,以及涡激振动的结构动力响应方程,实现流固耦合,运用动网格技术,在雷诺数3 125~16 250的较大范围内对立管低质量比、小阻尼的情况进行了单自由度和两自由度涡激振动的模拟计算。得到了立管升阻力系数、位移比和频率等随约化速度变化的规律,捕捉到"锁定"、"失谐"和"相位开关"等现象,并与经典的实验及模拟结果做对比,效果很好。然后对两种自由度的结果进行对比,表明在低质量情况下流向阻力引起的运动对振动的影响不能忽略。 A fluid-structure-interaction model is presented by solving the viscous Navier-Stokes equations, turbulence model and structural dynamic response equation. Using the dynamic mesh technique, a simulation is carried out for the vortex-induced vibration of risers with one and two degree of freedom (DOF) in low mass and small damping at Reynolds number from 3125 to 16250. The drag and lift coefficient, vibration displacement and the vortex shedding frequency under different reduced velocities are obtained. The phenomena of "lock in", the displacement's "detuning" and "phase switch" are captured. The results are compared with available experimental and simulation results and show a good agreement. The comparing results of 1DOF and 2DOF show that the influence of in-line action on the vibration can't be omitted under low mass ratio.
出处 《海洋技术》 北大核心 2010年第3期73-77,共5页 Ocean Technology
基金 国家重大专项子课题资助项目(2008ZX05026-001)
关键词 涡激振动 流固耦合 数值模拟 动网格 vortex-induced vibration fluid-structure interaction (FSI) numerical simulation dynamic mesh
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