The mafic-ultramafic sill warms which intruded in later Devonian strate from Jinping area include dolerite、diabase、gabbro、ankaramite and picrite. The s ill swarms stretch in the north-west direction and are concordant with that of reg iona l tectonics. The thickness of sill varies from 1m to 200m. The crystallization d i fferentiation can be observed clearly in some thicker sills. The dolerite and di abase bearing lots of ilmenite are called Fe-Ti basalts and are characterized by high Ti content which the average TiO 2 abundance can go up to 3.9% in composi tion of dolerite and diabase and by low Mg′ number. The evidence of geochemistr y show that these two basalts are developed by tholeiite or alkaline basalt. In a ddition to high Ti, The dolerite and diabase also show high abundance of Th、Ta 、Nb. The value of Th/Ta is 1 approximately and Zr/Nb is low comparing to N-MOR B. So these two basalts show the feature of OIB and may be originated from partial melting of mantle plume in intralplate. The are more exposure of picrit e and anka ramite(15.1% 23.3% MgO) in Jinping than that around area suggests that the temp eratur e of partial melting of mantle plume be high comparatively and the source reserv oir of mafic-ultramafic sill warms in Jinping area may be in the tail of mantle plume.
Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica)