
东汉以来《礼记》的流传(上) 被引量:2

Historical Circulation of The Book of Rites since Eastern Han Dynasty
摘要 《礼记》虽以"记"命名,但与"经"一样,具有同等的地位。三国魏时,《礼记》入经,并设置《礼记》博士。唐孔颖达主持撰写《礼记正义》后,《礼记》代替《仪礼》,正式成为《五经》之一,并成为科举考试的主要经典,一直延续到清末。封建政府的倡导,宋卫湜《礼记集说》、元陈澔《礼记集说》、清《礼记义疏》、孙希旦《礼记集解》、朱彬《礼记训纂》等论著的撰写,给《礼记》增加了新鲜血液,进一步提高了《礼记》的地位,也促进了《礼记》的流传。近百年来,由于科学技术尤其是计算器技术的发展,大量《礼记》研究著作得以影印出版,并电子化、网络化,为《礼记》的传播,开辟了新途径。为了《礼记》更好的传播,必须利用传世善本,对重要的《礼记》著作进行整理,以便电子化;同时,要对历代《礼记》研究的成绩,进行全面的总结,完成《礼记汇校集注》、《礼记注疏汇校》等课题,这是《礼记》能长久传播的基础工作。 Though The Book of Rites is titled in Chinese as a record, it enjoyed an equal status as a classic. In the Wei Kingdom of Three Kingdoms Age, the book was listed among classic, and special scholars interpreting the Book was designated. In Tang Dynasty, after Kong Yingda's compilation of Orthodox Annotation of The Book of Rites, the Book replaced The Rites as one of the Five Classics and served a basis for Imperial Examination until late Qing Dynasty. The Book was renewed, freshened and elevated by various efforts including the recommendation of feudal governments, and writing and compilation of such works interpreting the Book as Theories on The Book of Rites (LIjijishuo) by Wei Di in Song Dynasty, Theories on The Book of Rites (LIjijishuo) by Chen Hao in Yuan Dynasty, Interpreting The Book of Rites (Lijiyishu) , Collecting Interpretations of The Book of Rites (Lijijijie) by Sun Xidan and Anthological Doctrines on The Book of Rites (Lijixunzhuan) by Zhu Bin in Qing Dynasty. Those efforts also facilitated the historical circulation of the Book. In last centuries, thanks to development in science and technologies, particularly the computer technology, numerous works on the studies of the Book were photocopied and published, digitalized, internet- uploaded, which broadened new ways for spreading the Book. Nevertheless, better spreading of the Book needs good utilization of handed-down copies and assorted works interpreting the Book which are convenient for digitalization. Additionally, overall reviews are to be made on the attainments in the studies of the Book, plus the completion of Collecting Anthologies of The Book of Rites (Lijihuixiaojizhu) and Collecting Annotations of The Book of Rites (Lijizhushuhuixiao) which are foundational for long-lasting circulation of the Book.
作者 王锷
出处 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第5期126-136,共11页 Journal of Jinggangshan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 《礼记》 戴圣 郑玄 孔颖达 陈澔 孙希旦 The Book of Rites Dai Sheng Zheng Xian Kong Yingda Chen Hao Sun Xidan
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