
明末至清中叶天主教西文文献中的中国:文献分布与应用讨论 被引量:2

Western Language Catholic Sources and Ming-Qing China:Location and Utility
摘要 本文探讨各个天主教修道会在明、清传教的有关文献,尤其深入讨论了耶稣会文献的种类、特征与现有的分布情况。除了讨论西方传教文献对个别明、清史题目的重要性外,本文亦表列了里斯本Ajuda图书馆与罗马耶稣会历史档案馆有关中国文件的现存情况。 This paper discusses extant Catholic missionary sources for the study of the history of China from the Late Ming to the mid-Qing period.It offers a brief survey of documents generated by Franciscans,Dominicans,the Missions étrangères de Paris,and discusses in greater detail the historical records associated with the Jesuits:their genre,generation,characteristics,and extant distribution.It discusses the particular area of Ming-Qing history that are especially well documented by missionary sources;and it offers a guide to users for sources related to China in the Biblioteca juda in Lisbon and the Archivum Romanum Siocietatis Iesu in Rome.
作者 夏伯嘉
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期10-18,共9页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 天主教 传教士 明代 清代 Jesuits Christian missionaries Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty
  • 相关文献


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