根据分产业建模的思路,利用RS和GIS技术,结合面积权重、反距离加权、距离衰减加幂指数的GDP数据空间化方法,实现了以土地利用类型为基础的兰州市500 m×500 m格网GDP数据空间化仿真模拟.结果表明,2006年兰州市GDP总值分布具有明显的沿河谷地带聚集和沿交通线分布的特征,黄河兰州段及其支流湟水谷地是GDP最集中的地带,庄浪河、大通河、宛川河河谷和陇海、包兰铁路沿线是次聚集地带;同时,在永登县坪城、秦王川盆地和榆中县三角城盆地,GDP总量呈不连续的面状聚集,相对周边地区为GDP高值区,与现实情况基本一致.模拟结果能较为准确地反映区域内经济发展的差异,对准确把握区域经济动态发展具有一定的实用价值.
According to the idea of modeling separately by industries,combined with the spatial method of GDP data of area weightiness and counter-distance weighted and distance-decay power-exponential,this study simulates the GDP in 500 m×500 m grid-cells of Lanzhou City using remote sensing and GIS technique.The results show that the total value of the distribution of GDP in Lanzhou City had obvious characteristics of gathering along the valley and distributing along the transport routes in 2006.The most concentrated areas of GDP are in the Yellow River of Lanzhou and its tributaries Huangshui valley,and the sub-aggregation zones are in Zhuanglang River valley and Datong River valley and Wanchuan River valley and go along Longhai and Baotou-Lanzhou Railway.Meanwhile,the total GDP in Ping City of Yongdeng County and Qin River basin and the triangle town basin of Yuzhong County appear discontinuous planar aggregation,and compared with the other areas,there are high value of GDP in these areas.The simulation matches the practical case,and reflects the distribution characteristics of regional economy,which has certain practical value for grasping the dynamic development of regional economy.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Natural Science)