为了加强数字信号处理实验,形成完整的从理论到应用的课程体系,我院已经开设了"数字信号处理"课程设计课程,以Xilinx公司的System Generator软件和Virtex-ⅡPro开发板作为软、硬件平台,进行从基础到综合的一系列教学实验。实践表明,这种实验教学模式为学生提供了综合性实践创新平台,使学生能够深入了解数字信号处理系统的实际意义,可激发学生的学习兴趣和创新意识,并与国际最先进的开发模式接轨,提高了学生的科研能力和工程能力。
In order to help students to know a complete DSP development system, our school adopts System Generator tool and Virtex-Ⅱ Pro board as experimental software/hardware platform, set up a practical environment for students. Practice proves that this mode affords better way for students to understand DSP theory, increases their interest, enhances their research and engineering ability.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education