

Sensor data uncertainty and its hierarchical multi-Agent coordination strategy in wireless sensor networks
摘要 针对无线传感网数据不确定性处理有效性策略研究,分析了传感数据不确定的多样性和层次性,设计了sensor Agent、cluster and analyzer Agent和sink and decision-maker Agent三类Agent,探讨了传感数据不确定性类与多智能Agent分层对应关系。具体定义了Agent的局部不确定数据处理和通信两种调和组成模块,以及无线传感网与粗糙集技术的智能特性组合,进而提出了传感不确定性分层多智能Agent调和模型。最后,给出了相应实现算法及实例分析,结果表明该智能模型分层调和机制具有化解各类复杂传感数据不确定性的灵活性与实用性。 Concerning the research of the efficient strategies for sensor data uncertainty processing, the diversity and hierarchy of sensor data uncertainty were analyzed. Three kinds of Agents, named sensor Agent, cluster and analyzer Agent, sink and decision-maker Agent, were designed. The hierarchically corresponding relation between sensor data uncertainty and multi-intelligent-Agent was also investigated. Furthermore, each Agent was specifically defined as an abstract entity with two component coordination modules on correspondence and local processing of uncertain data, as well as the intelligent characteristics combination of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Rough Set Technology ( RST), and then a hierarchical multi-intelligent-Agent model of sensor uncertainty coordination was put forward. Finally, a relevant implementation algorithm and illustrative analysis were given. The results verify the flexibility and practicability of such an intelligent model with hierarchical mechanisms to coordinate different kinds of complicated sensor data uncertainties.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2758-2762,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队资助计划项目(T200902) 湖北省教育厅科研计划资助项目(B20091904 Q20091903)
关键词 传感数据 不确定性 多智能Agent 分层调和策略 粗糙集技术 数据融合 sensor data uncertainty multi-intelligent-Agent hierarchical coordination strategy Rough Set Technology (RST) data fusion
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