
狗腹腔多脏器伤并发腹腔脓肿与免疫球蛋白水平变化的关系 被引量:2

The relationship between multi-visceral injury with abdominal abscess and the level of immunoglobulin in canine
摘要 目的 探讨腹腔多脏器伤并发腹腔脓肿的原因。方法 用狗50只进行了腹腔多脏器伤(肝、脾、小肠)的救治实验。结果 实验中发现不同脏器的损伤程度与腹腔脓肿的发生率有关。损伤后血液中免疫球蛋白水平的高低与腹腔脓肿的发生有密切关系。结论 肝脏有着重要的免疫功能,对维持机体内环境,参与IgA肝肠循环的作用超过脾脏而居首位。当肝、脾、小肠裂伤后,尽可能多地保留这些组织,提高机体免疫功能,是减少腹腔脓肿及败血症发生的重要措施。 Objective To study the reason of multi-visceral injury with abdominal abscess. Methods Fifty dogs were used for experiment of multi-visceral injury rescuring (liver, spleen and small intestine), following observing for 2 weeks of average time. Results The abdominal abscess related to the degree of different visceral injury. When injuring, the level of immunoglobulin in Uood related to the abdominal abscess. Condushms The liver has important immunological function,even more than spleen, plays important role for maintaining the inner surrounding and attending IgA hepalo-enteric circulation. When liver,spleen and small intestine are injured, these organs should be kept as more as possible, which is an important measure to decrease the abdominal abscess.
作者 王广庆
出处 《中国局解手术学杂志》 1999年第2期89-90,共2页
关键词 多脏器损伤 腹腔脓肿 免疫球蛋白 IgA肝肠循环 Multi-visceral injury Abdominal abscess Immunoglobulin lgA hepalo-enteric circulation
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