目的 分析广东汉族人群人类白细胞抗原(HLA)Ⅰ、Ⅱ经典5位点A、Cw、B、DRB1及DQB1的连锁单倍型及单倍型遗传中基因重组事件.方法 采用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性寡核苷酸探针(PCR-SSO)法及聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物(PCR-SSP)法,分别对2000年8月至2009年12月深圳市血液中心进行HLA配型的198个广东汉族家系共939名个体的外周血样本进行HLA-A、B、DRB1位点及HLA-Cw、DQB1位点的低分辨基因分型,再通过遗传家系分析确定HLA基因重组相关位点 对其中发生基因交换重组的52名家系成员的样本进一步采用基因测序分型(SBT)技术进行序列分析,以判断重组交换是否发生在某基因座位上.结果 198个广东汉族家系543名子一代个体中,发现有9名个体HLA单倍型基因座位发生了交换重组,频率为1.657%.3例为A/Cw座位间的交换,6例为B/DRB1座位间的交换.其中4例重组事件发生在广东汉族人群最常见的单倍型A*3303-Cw*0302-B*5801-DRB1*0301-DQB1*0201上.在9例重组事件中有5例来自母系染色体交换,4例来自父系染色体交换 3例表现为A/Cw座位间交换的个体均为女性,6例表现为B/DRB1座位间交换的个体中5例为男性、1例为女性.结论 HLA连锁单倍型遗传过程中的基因重组主要见于A/Cw座位间及B/DRB1座位间,且基因重组的发生具有单倍型特异性及性别特异性.
Objective To analyze the human leukocyte antigen complex class Ⅰ (-A, -B & -C)and class Ⅱ (-DRB1 & -DQB1) linked haplotypes of Guangdong Han nationality and to study the recombination events of five classical loci in the inheritance of HLA haplotypes. Methods A total of 939 peripheral blood samples were collected from 198 families in Guangdong Han nationality who came to our center for HLA typing from 2000 August to 2009 December. HLA-( A, B & DRB1 ) and HLA-( C & DQB1 )alleles were typed by low-resolution polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific oligonucleotide probes (PCR-SSO) and PCR-sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP) methods respectively. Then the recombination sites were analyzed by familial study. The samples of 52 individuals from the families with exchange recombination were analyzed by the sequence-based typing (SBT) to judge whether the recombination was interallelic or interlocus exchange. Results Among 543 offspring individuals of 198 families in Guangdong Han nationality, 9 individuals with HLA-A-C-B-DRB1-DQB1 linked haplotypes had a recombination rate of 1. 657%. Among 9 HLA haplotypes recombined families, 3 of them were found to have a crossover between HLA-A and -Cw loci and 6 of them a crossover between HLA-B and -DRB1 loci. Four of these recombination events occurred in the most common haplotypes A * 3303-Cw * 0302-B * 5801-DRB1 * 0301-DQB1 * 0201of Guangdong Han nationality. Among 9 cases of recombination, 5 of them were formed by a crossover between maternal chromosomes and 4 cases a crossover between paternal chromosomes. Three individuals with an exchange between A/Cw loci were all females. Among 6 cases with an exchange between B/DRB1 loci, 5 of them were males and 1 case was female. Conclusion During the inheritance, recombination of HLA linked haplotype mainly occured between A /Cw loci and B/DRB1 loci, the recombination is related to the haplotype-specificity and sex-specificity.
National Medical Journal of China
HLA antigens Recombination,genetic Haplotpye