
高铝钢非反应性连铸保护渣的研究 被引量:9

Research on the Non-reactive Mold Powder for High Aluminium Steel
摘要 针对目前高铝钢用结晶器保护渣中SiO2易被钢液中的Al还原而导致连铸无法顺行的问题,设计了低SiO2试验渣系并进行粘-温曲线及熔点测试试验。结果表明:低SiO2渣系具有良好的基本理化性质,具有工业应用的潜能;通过热力学分析及钢-渣界面反应试验证明,当保护渣中SiO2含量低于6%时为非反应性保护渣。 The SiO2 component of the traditional mold fluxes can easily been deoxidized by the Al contained in liquid high aluminium steel.So a series of mold fluxes containing lower SiO2 was designed to solve this problem,and their viscosity-temperature curves and melting points were tested.The results showed that these viscosities and melting points are suitable to industrial application.The thermodynamic analysis and the steel-slag interfacial reaction experiment showed that the mold fluxes of which SiO2 content is less than 6% can be called non-reactive mold powder.
出处 《钢铁钒钛》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期20-24,共5页 Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目(No.(2008)890-7)
关键词 高铝钢 结晶器保护渣 低SiO2 非反应性 high aluminium steel mold fluxes low SiO2 non-reactive property
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