
公司治理趋同研究述评 被引量:1

Research Review on Convergence of Corporate Governance
摘要 本文对公司治理趋同的竞争说、政治说与路径依赖说以及有关公司治理的形式趋同与功能趋同、法律趋同与事实趋同的既有研究进行了梳理与简评。本文指出,如果某种公司治理制度或模式能够有效解决其所面对的公司治理问题,则其即是最好的公司治理制度或模式,从而无须按照它方的公司治理模型进行自身的制度变革,且即便一国或地区之内的相关公司治理情境与该国或地区的国际义务交错混杂,该国或地区公司治理制度或模式变革的动力亦须极大依赖基于该国或地区之内公司治理环境的内生诉求。 This paper combines and makes brief comments on current researches on the competitive hypothesis,political hypothesis,path dependent hypothesis of convergence of corporate governance,as well as the formal convergence,functional convergence,legal convergence and factual convergence of corporate governance.It points out,a specific institution or pattern of corporate governance is the best one,if it could solve the problems about governance effectively.So it doesn't have to make institutional reform according to other corporate governance model. What's more,one country or place's motivation of corporate governance institution or pattern reform depends on its endogenous appeal of corporate governance environment,although its corporate governance situation mixes up with its international obligation.
作者 严若森
出处 《技术经济》 2010年第9期99-102,共4页 Journal of Technology Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70502024) 国家社会科学基金项目(08CJY032)
关键词 公司治理趋同 公司治理环境 公司治理存异 convergence of corporate governance corporate governance environment difference of corporate governance
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