
演化经济学研究综述 被引量:5

A Literature Review on Evolutionary Economics
摘要 演化经济学借鉴生物进化的思想方法和自然科学多领域的研究成果,从动态、演化的视角分析和理解经济系统的运行与发展。演化经济学以惯例、新奇和选择为核心范畴,在有限理性、多样性和时间不可逆的假设前提下,利用自组织理论和演化博弈论等分析框架及工具,在技术创新与产业演化、制度变迁和经济增长等研究领域进行了应用。 By using the ideas of biological evolution and research results from many fields of natural science,evolutionary economics analyzes the operation and development of economic system from the point of dynamics and evolution.Based on the hypothesis of bounded rationality,diversity and time's irreversibility,evolutionary economics treats convention,novelty and choice as core concepts.At the same time,along with evolutionary game theory and self-organization theory,evolutionary economics is applied to the study of technological innovation and industry evolution,system change and economic growth in a successful way.
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期119-124,共6页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70803006) 教育部人文社科基金资助项目(07JC790043) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(DUT10RW312)
关键词 演化经济学 惯例 有限理性 自组织 evolutionary economics convention bounded rationality self-organization
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