
构建高职英语专业教师跨文化能力框架——基于广西高职院校英语专业教师的研究 被引量:3

The Construction of Intercultural Competence Frame for Teachers of English Specialty in Vocational Colleges——Based on the Study of Teachers of English Specialty in Vocational Colleges of Guangxi
摘要 现代外语教学的终极目标就是培养学生的外语跨文化能力。要实现这一培养目标,教师必须具备培养这一目标的能力素质和知识体系。从对广西高职院校英语专业教学的学生跨文化能力培养情况调查看,广西高职英语专业教师跨文化能力的培养,可以从态度层面上培养情感因素;从知识层面上培养文化交际知识;从行为层面上培养言行能力。 The ultimate objective of modern foreign language teaching is to develop learner's Intercultural competence.To achieve this goal,teachers should construct a system of intercultural knowledge for themselves.Based on an analysis of the outcome of a survey on cultivation of English majors' intercultural competence among vocational colleges in Guangxi,the present study proposes,for teachers of English Specialty in vocational colleges,an intercultural competence frame composed of Attitude,Background Knowledge,Act and Professional Knowledge.
作者 司继涛
机构地区 钦州学院外语系
出处 《钦州学院学报》 2010年第4期71-75,共5页 Journal of Qinzhou University
基金 新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程"十一五"第四批立项项目(2008B091)
关键词 跨文化能力 英语教师 高职院校 框架 Intercultural Competence China-ASEAN Construction Frame
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