
试析中世纪晚期西欧土地用益权的演变 被引量:2

On the Evolution of the Land Usufruct of Western Europe in the Late Medieval Ages
摘要 法兰克王国建立之初,日耳曼人马尔克的共同占有原则与罗马帝国晚期形成的大地产制"嫁接"在一起,从而形成了对土地的用益权。在这种用益土地的基础上中世纪的西欧建立了一种人身依附的社会关系,这种社会关系完全模糊了个人利益和公共利益之间的界限。10世纪以后持续开展的拓荒运动不仅扩大了土地面积,引发了对土地经营方式的改变,份地被分成租佃制取代,导致土地地租形态的演变,土地的让渡形式也随之有了本质的变化,"纯粹私有制"由此产生,个人权利和社会的公共权利之间的界限逐渐清晰,管理公共事务的国家机制由此而产生和发展起来。 At early stage of the Frank Kingdom,the collective possession of German mark was "transplanted" with the great land which accomplished in the late Roman Empire,producing the land usufruct.On this basis was established person dependent relationship in medieval European society which blured the limits between private interests and public interests.The continued exploitation of virgin land after the 10th century not only enlagerd acreage of the land,but also changed the way of the land management,so that the metayage took the place of the lot.This resulted in the change of form of the land rent.In the meantime,the land transfer began to change essentially,producing in "pure private property".The limits between individual rights and public rights became clear and national mechanism for administering common affairs came into being.
作者 王亚平
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期80-86,共7页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究2009年度一般项目"西欧社会转型时期社会结构演变"(09YJA770048)阶段性成果
关键词 西欧 中世纪 土地 用益权 纯粹私有制 Western Europe Medieval Ages land usufruct pure private property
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