With the increasing concern about the protection of global environment, there have been so many multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Among these MEAs, some prohibit or restrict international trade of products harmful to the environment or endangered species and others oblige or permit contracting parties to take trade restriction measures in order to eliminate the economic incentives for environmental destruction, secure compliance with the MEA, or promote the accession to the MEA. When such a trade restriction measure based upon a MEA is taken by one WTO member against another WTO member, the consistency of the measure with WTO law will be disputed irrespective of whether the latter WTO member is a contracting party of the MEA or not. So far no trade restriction measure based upon a MEA has been challenged before the WTO dispute settlement proceedings, the possibility of such cases arising from here on cannot be denied as the occasions of using this kind of measure increase. This is evidenced by the fact that the topic of "the relationship between existing WTO rules and specific trade obligations set out in [MEAs]" was included as one of the negotiation agenda in the Doha Development Agenda.
If such a case is submitted actually to the WTO dispute settlement proceedings, what legal status will be given to the MEA? Can a Panel or the Appellate Body find the consistency of the measure with WTO law by giving priority to and applying the MEA pursuant to the applicable conflict rules of the MEA or general international law? There has been much controversy concerning the problem whether the rules of international law including MEAs other than WTO law become applicable law before the WTO dispute settlement proceedings. By analyzing much in depth both the affirmative theory by Pauwelyn and the negative theory by Trachtman, this paper considers what legal status should be given to MEAs and especially whether MEAs can become applicable law or not before the WTO dispute settlement proceedings.