

Research and reference on Hungarian system of protection of the ecological environment in land use
摘要 虽然中国和匈牙利土地所有权制度不同,但二者存在共同的土地利用现状,即土地细碎和规模不经济,两国一样重视土地利用中对生态环境的保护。分析匈牙利土地利用中保护生态环境的制度设计,总结其成功的经验,以资中国在土地管理制度的选择,相关法律法规的制定,土地利用规划的完善,土地整理推进等方面借鉴,促进土地利用中经济有效性、生态合理性和社会承受性的统一。 Although China and Hungary have different land tenure systems,two countries are in the same situation in present land use——the scale of the land is broken and not economic.The two countries attach equal importance to protection of the ecological environment in land use.This paper analyzes the Hungarian system of protection of the ecological environment in land use,summarizes the successful experiences which can give reference to China in following fields:selection of system in land management,establishment of relevant laws and regulations,improvement of land-use planning,execution of land consolidation,etc.The purpose is to promote unity in economic efficiency,ecological rationality and social sustainability in land use.
作者 杨飞龙 林卿
出处 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第5期46-51,共6页 Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中国与匈牙利政府间科技合作项目(科技部国科外字[2008]333号)
关键词 土地利用 生态环境保护 综合管理 土地利用金字塔 土地整理 land use protection of the ecological environment integrated management land-use pyramid land consolidation
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