
无法律依据行政裁量的界定及控制 被引量:1

Definition and Control of Administrative Discretion without Law Basis
摘要 行政主体在没有法律依据的情况下,对既定事项进行判断、权衡,作出决定的行政措施即无法律依据行政裁量。法律规范的滞后性、不周延性等特点,必将导致"无法律依据行政裁量"的大量存在。依照"形式法治"的观点,无法律依据行政裁量属于违法行为,应该被禁止。然而,按照"实质法治"的观点,却并非如此。可以允许型无法律依据行政裁量有其正义基础,因而在一定程度上可以被容忍。但其要满足不违背法的公平正义价值和立法目的,基于保证国家安全和社会整体稳定的考虑和基于个案正义的考虑等条件,并且要接受原则之治以及通过事后说明理由制度接受立法机关和司法机关的监督。 Administrative discretion short of law basis is such a thing that administrative subject must think of some facts,select to be or not to be and how to behave in some particular urgent circumstances.There are lots of administrative discretions short of law-basis because that law has two characteristics: hysteresis and incompleteness.According to the legalism theory,Administrative discretion short of law basis is illegal and should be forbidden.However,the essential legal system don't think so.Administrative discretion short of law basis can be tolerated and exit to a certain degree if they have foundation of justice.They demand satisfying the following rules: equity and social justice,national security,social stability and individualize justice.Besides,being based on principles governing and accompanied by reason-giving system are so necessary when supervised by the authority or judicial organs.
作者 解瑞卿
机构地区 东南大学法学院
出处 《河南司法警官职业学院学报》 2010年第3期33-37,共5页 Journal of Henan Judicial Police Vocational College
关键词 无法律依据行政裁量 形式法治 实质法治 必需之法则 administrative discretion short of law basis legalism the essential legal system rule of necessary
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