
用新的理念推进当代中国的文化发展 被引量:7

Use New Ideas to Promote the Cultural Development of Contemporary China
摘要 中国的文化创造在民族振兴、国家尊严、历史传承、人性光辉的维度上被重新思考。当前我国文化发展还存在着如下问题:对文化在当代中国发展中的作用认识不足;主流文化发展理念不够明晰;重经济效益轻社会效益;缺乏有效措施支持民间文化发展。当今世界,部分发达国家在文化发展方面取得了一些值得我们借鉴的经验,如高度重视文化在社会和经济发展中的作用;塑造全民认同的核心价值,形成文化发展的主导理念;用多方位的艺术手段强化主流价值,以影响不同国度和文化背景的受众;等等。基于此,给我国文化发展带来了很严峻的挑战:文化发展与社会经济发展不相适应的矛盾,民众更高的文化需求与文化发展多样性、丰富性不够之间的矛盾;意识形态与消费主义矛盾;形成高端文化市场的历史要求与政策不配套之间的矛盾,文化发展的国际化趋势与民族文化传统的弘扬之间的矛盾,文化发展的开放性要求与国家文化安全之间的关系,等等。为此需要我们从调整认识,指导思想、政策研究、文化理念等方面加以改进,并以此为前提,重新认定文化的地位、作用:文化与其他在国家发展中同等重要;是社会和谐发展的保障;是维护民族团结、国家统一的纽带;是增强国力提升竞争力的引擎;是与国际交往和人类共同价值行动的价值源泉;是人与自然关系的"调适剂"。从而进一步确定文化发展的目标:确定文化在社会发展中的本体地位;打造主旋律文化发展更大平台;保护开发非盈利的民族文化遗产;提升传统文化教育的位置;制定政策为民间文化活动与文化事业创造条件;规划提升发展文化产业的新举措。 The Chinese culture is now given a new consideration in such dimensions as national revival,state dignity,historical heritage and human brightness.At the present,there are following problems for China' s cultural development: lacking of understanding of the cultural role in the development of contemporary China;being unclear for the concept of the development of the mainstream culture;giving an emphasis on economic interests and a neglect for social benefits in such a way that the sustainable development of culture is affected;lacking of effective measures to support the development of folk culture,and thus producing its survival crisis.Nowadays,some developed countries have created a number of experiences in cultural development we can learn from: attach great importance to the cultural role in the development of social economy;shape the core values of national identity so as to form the dominant concept of cultural development;strengthen,by way of multidimensional art,the mainstream values so as to create a relatively free,relaxed environment for stimulating the creativity of cultural producers.In view of the above,China faces severe challenges in cultural development: being uncoordinated between socio-economic development and cultural development;being incongruous between the higher cultural needs of the public and the diversity and richness of cultural development;being contradictory between ideology and consumerism;being unmatched between the historical requirement of high-end cultural market and its policies;being discordant between the international trend of cultural development and the promotion of national cultural tradition;being inconsistent between the open requirement of cultural development and the security of national culture.Therefore,it is necessary for China to improve such aspects as cognition adjustment,ideology guidance,policy research,and cultural concept,and,based on these,give a re-consideration of cultural statues and role.That is: the equal importance of culture in national development;the guarantee of the harmonious development of society;the tie between the national solidarity and national unity;the engine of enhancing the national strength and competition;the source of international exchanges and human common values;the lubricant of the relationship between man and nature.In this way,the goals of cultural development can be further determined: ascertain the bedrock status of culture in social development;build a bigger platform for the development of cultural keynote;protect the non-profit heritage of national culture;enhance the position of traditional culture;establish policies so that the conditions of folk cultural activities and cultural undertakings are created;plan the new measures of the development of cultural industries.
作者 许明
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期5-15,共11页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 当代中国 新理念 文化发展 文化本位 contemporary China new idea cultural development cultural bedrock
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