
浙江省几种人为土壤中黑碳的含量 被引量:6

Contents of black carbon in some anthrosols from Zhejiang Province
摘要 为了解人为活动对土壤黑碳积累的影响,从浙江省采集251个受人为活动影响的表层土样,样点涉及城市绿地土壤、城市道路附近土壤、工厂厂区土壤、城郊蔬菜地土壤、农村旱地土壤和农村水田土壤,用化学分析方法测定土壤中黑碳含量.结果表明:土壤黑碳含量在0~15.22 g·kg-1之间,平均为3.83 g·kg-1,变异系数达51.96%;土壤黑碳含量主要集中分布在1~5 g·kg-1之间,占样品数的70.92%;各类土壤黑碳平均含量由高至低依次为:工厂厂区土壤〉城郊蔬菜地土壤〉城市道路附近土壤〉农村旱地土壤〉城市绿地土壤〉农村水田土壤;黑碳占土壤有机碳的比例在0%~53.20%之间,平均为24.83%,变异系数为38.06%,该比例由高至低为:工厂厂区土壤〉城市道路附近土壤〉城郊蔬菜地土壤〉城市绿地土壤〉农村旱地土壤〉农村水田土壤.相关分析表明:土壤中黑碳含量与土壤有机碳积累成正比;黑碳占土壤有机碳的比例与土壤黑碳含量成正比,但与有机碳积累无明显相关. To understand the effects of human activity on accumulation of black carbon in soils,251 surface soil samples were collected from Zhejiang Province.The soil samples had different land uses,including urban green space,road in urban area,manufacture area,vegetable land in suburban area,upland in countryside,and paddy field in countryside.The contents of black carbon in the samples were characterized by chemical method.The contents of black carbon in the soils ranged from 0 to 15.22 g·kg-1,and averaged 3.83 g·kg-1.Most samples(70.92%) had black carbon ranging from 1 to 5 g·kg-1.Mean contents of black carbon in the soils for different land uses decreased in the sequence of manufacture area vegetable land in suburban area road in urban area upland in countryside area green space in urban areapaddy field in countryside.Proportion of black carbon in total organic carbon ranged from 0% to 53.20% with mean of 24.83%.The proportion decreased in the sequence of manufacture area road in urban area vegetable land in suburban area urban green space upland in countryside paddy field in countryside.Correlation analysis showed that contents of soil black carbon were positively and significantly correlated with its total organic carbon,and the proportions of black carbon in the soil total organic carbon were positively and significantly correlated with their black carbon contents,and insignificantly correlated with the total organic carbon content.
出处 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期542-546,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Agriculture and Life Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40771090 40471064) 浙江大学曹光彪高科技发展基金资助项目(2008RC007)
关键词 人为土壤 黑碳 分布 anthrosols black carbon distribution
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