
我们到达那里了吗? 女性主义叙事学的交叉性未来(英文) 被引量:7

Are We There Yet? The Intersectional Future of Feminist Narratology
摘要 自"走向女性主义叙事学"(1986)一文发表以来,女性主义和叙事学都发生了巨大的变化。女性主义解构了性别的基要性概念,而对于语境和认知的思考也使得叙事学更为复杂化。女性主义叙事学对其帮助营造的"后经典"环境做出了富有成果的反应。本文雄心勃勃地提出一个集体合作的议程,通过交叉性的女性主义,不仅可以绘制跨越时空的叙事模式图式,而且也可以被这些叙事模式所映射,进而解释差异的原因,创造一种深度地域性的,因而跨文化和跨历史的叙事学。本文作者还将进一步表明"交叉性"本身就是一个叙事课题,因此女性主义可以用叙事术语加以解读;而且简要地提出"否定性情节"的概念,以此作为一种途径思考叙事给女性研究带来的启示,并在此基础上得出结论:把女性主义叙事学看作是一个合作性的课题需要多个领域众多国际学者的共同努力。 Feminism and narratology have changed dramatically since "Toward a Feminist Narratology" was published in 1986. Feminism has deconstructed essentialized notions of gender,while narratology has been complicated by considerations of cognition and context. Feminist narratology has responded productively to this "postclassical" environment that it has also helped to create. My essay proposes an ambitious collective agenda whereby "intersectional" feminism can now map and be mapped by narrative patterns across time and space,accounting for vectors of difference to create a narratology that is deeply locational and therefore cross-cultural and historical. I will further argue that "intersectionality" is itself a narrative project and that feminism can therefore be read in narrative terms. I will work briefly with a concept I call "negative plotting" as one way to think about the implications of narrative for feminist studies and conclude by recognizing feminist narratology as a collaborative project requiring an international community working on multiple fronts.
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期32-41,共10页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 叙事 女性主义 情节 交叉性 叙事学 narrative feminism plot intersectionality narratology
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