
基于芯片多线程处理器的性能测试及分析 被引量:1

Performance Test and Analysis Based on Chip Multithreading Processor
摘要 芯片多线程处理器给现代商业负载带来了高吞吐率和并行化高性能,同时也给操作系统和软件的设计以及性能优化带来难题。为此,设计一种完全可定制的集成负载多线程测试方法,在多种负载配置下对芯片多线程处理器进行性能测试,分析不同调度方式对性能的影响,为操作系统多线程调度提出优化思想。 Chip multithreading processor provides high throughput and parallel performance for the modem commercial workload, and brings about puzzles for the design and performance optimization of operating system and software. Aiming at the above problem, this paper demonstrates a multithreading benchmark with fully configurable integrated workload, runs performance test on the chip multithreading processor with various configurable workload, analyzes the influence of different scheduling on the performance, and proposes some optimization advice to the multithreading scheduleing in operating system.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第18期253-255,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划基金资助项目"高端容错计算机总体技术研究"(2008AA01A201) "基于虚拟化技术的新型众核运行支撑平台关键技术研究"(2009AA01Z101)
关键词 芯片多线程 负载测试 争用 亲和性 chip multithreading workload test contention affinity
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