

Study on the Purchase Value Chain of the Iron & Steel Enterprise Based on EKM
摘要 采购在传统价值链模型中是辅助活动,但在信息经济下,采购业务已经成为钢铁企业新的价值增长点。采购活动中蕴含着大量信息,可以被看做是知识敏感性流程。文章将知识管理融入到企业的业务流程中,以企业知识管理理论为工具,以价值链理论为基础,对钢铁企业采购流程中的各项活动进行了深入的分析,构建了基于EKM的采购价值链模型,为钢铁企业的采购实践提供了理论依据。 Purchase is a support activity in the traditional value chain.But with the appearance of the information economy,Purchase has been the new spot to add the iron steel enterprise's value.There are a lot of information included in the purchase.So the purchase is often regarded as knowledge-sensitive process.This paper analyse the activities of the purchase process in the enterprise of the iron steel by EKM on the basis of the value theory.Then the purchase value chain is established and it can give the theory support to the enterprise's practice.
作者 王道平 王煦
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2010年第10期110-112,共3页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(70872010) 北京市科委软课题研究项目(Z07090500550712)
关键词 EKM 钢铁企业 采购 采购价值链 EKM the enterprise of iron & steel purchase purchase value chain
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