
球面弯晶在X射线诊断中的应用 被引量:4

Application of spherically bent crystals spectrometer to X-ray diagnosis
摘要 为了诊断等离子体X射线,利用X射线布拉格衍射原理研制了球面弯晶谱仪。实验采用α-石英作为其晶体分析器色散元件,晶体弯曲半径为250 mm,布拉格角为30°~67.5°;采用接收面积10 mm×50mm的X射线胶片作为摄谱器件,接收等离子体X射线谱线信息。通过在"阳"加速器装置上进行实验,得到了钛等离子体X射线K壳层激发谱线信息,其光谱分辨力可达到1 000以上,光谱带宽约为0.43 eV。 In order to diagnose X-ray emitted from the plasma,a spherically bent crystals spectrometer was developed based on the X-ray Bragg diffraction theory.In the experiment,the dispersive element of crystal analyzer was quartz,the bent radius was 250 mm and the range of Bragg angle of the crystal was 30° to 67.5°.The X-ray film,as its principal detector,obtained spectra information which had an effective area of 10 mm×50 mm.The experiment was carried out at the anode accelerator.The detector obtained the X-ray spectra information of the K-shell Ti spectra.By the analysis of spectra information,the spectral resolution of spherically bent quartz crystals can be achieved for more than 1 000,and the spectral passband is 0.43 eV.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2313-2316,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10976033)
关键词 球面弯晶谱仪 X射线诊断 布拉格衍射 晶体分析器 光谱分辨力 spherically bent crystals spectrometer X-ray diagnosis Bragg diffraction crystal analyzer spectral resolution
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