
合肥光源40kW高频固态发射机的研制进展 被引量:4

Status of 40kW solid state amplifier development at Hefei Light Source
摘要 介绍了用于合肥光源800 MeV电子储存环高频系统的204 MHz,40 kW固态发射机的研制进展。该发射机为双塔结构,由130个330 W功放模块进行三级合成。其关键部件的样件包括10路功放和2.5kW八合一,20 kW八合一以及40 kW二合一功率合成器各1件的制作和测试已完成。测得各合成器输出端驻波比不超过1.05,功放模块的增益达到26 dB,幅相偏差小于0.1 dB和5°,达到设计要求。 A 40 kW,204 MHz solid state RF amplifier is being developed for the 800 MeV electron storage ring at Hefei Light Source.The solid state amplifier is composed of 130 amplifier units combined by three-stage combiners in two towers.Some prototypes of key components have been manufactured and tested,which include a 2.5 kW 8-way combiner,a 20 kW 8-way combiner,a 40 kW 2-way combiner and 10 amplifier units.The output port's VSWR of all combiners is not over 1.05.The amplifier unit's gain reaches 26 dB.Unbalance of gain and phase is less than 0.1 dB and 5°,respectively,satisfying the design requirements.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2417-2420,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 中国科学院创新基金项目
关键词 高频系统 固态发射机 径向合成器 高频功放模块 RF system solid state amplifier radial power combiner RF amplifier unit
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