The concentrations of Zn^(++) and Cu^(++) were determined by atomic absorption sepectrophotometry in the liver, train, gum and sefum of rats treated with administration of phenytoin zinc (Ⅱ) and phenytoin sodium (Ⅰ) at doses of 12 mg/( kg·d) respectively for 13 wk. The Zn^(++) increases with 80% and 41% were found in the gum and liver respectively as well as the Zn^(++) decreases with 39% and 35% in the brain and serum of rats treated with Ⅱ respectively, while the Zn^(++) decreases with 70% and 23% were found in the gum and liver respectively as well as the increase of 41% of serum Zn^(++) treated with 1. The Cu^(++) levels deereases in the brain and gum might result from treatment I and II.
Phenytoin zinc
Phenytoin sodium atomic absorption spectrophotometry