

Estimate on the Applicability and Reliability of Forecast Sex Attractant in Spodoptera exigua
摘要 应用甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua Hübner)性诱剂[1]进行虫情测报,与使用虫情测报灯相比,具有诱蛾始见早、峰型明显,不受气候、周边灯光干扰等特点,通过几年多点的示范比较,上海地区应用宁波纽康生物技术有限公司生产的甜菜夜蛾专用测报诱芯,使用最简便、稳定、有效,特别是在上海地区梅雨季节,最能客观地反映虫情消长的真实发生动态,是改进、革新该虫测报技术的首选诱源。 Compared with pest forecast light trap,the sex attractant had more advantages,such as attracting moth earlier,having distinct trapped moth peak,independence on the climate and environment light.Through several year demonstration comparisons,the sex attractant produced by the NewCon Inc Ningbo was used effectively and stably in shanghai,especially in the rainy season.And the number of the trapped moths by the sex attractant could reflect the dynamic of growth and decline of the moth in the fields.So it was the preferred sex attractant in improving the technique of pest forecast.
出处 《长江蔬菜》 2010年第18期32-34,共3页 Journal of Changjiang Vegetables
关键词 甜菜夜蛾 性诱虫情测报 可靠性评价 Spodoptera exigua Pest forecast Sex attractant
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