目的:比较Sysmex UF-500i尿沉渣分析仪、干化学分析仪及尿沉渣镜检三种方法对尿中红细胞、白细胞检测的敏感性及其影响因素.方法:选取我院住院及门诊患者尿液974份,分别用UF-500i尿沉渣分析仪、干化学分析仪及尿沉渣镜检三种方法进行比较.结果:UF-500i检测出RBC、WBC的阳性率分别为31.2%、27.5% 干化学检测出RBC、WBC的阳性率分别为28.3%、16.2% 尿沉渣镜检检测出RBC、WBC的阳性率分别为35.9%、45.2%.干化学检出率较低.结论:UF-500i、干化学法和尿沉渣镜检三种方法联合应用,能有效排除假阳性和假阴性结果,减少检验误差,提高尿液分析质量.
Objective:To compare the sensitivity and influencing factors in detecting urine erythrocyte and leukocyte by using Urine flow cytometer Sysmex UF--500i, urine dipsticks analyzer and sediment microscopy. Methods:974 cases urine examples were respectively examined by UF--500i, urine dipsticks analyzer and microscopy. Results:Analyzed by UF--500i,the positive rate of urine erythrocyte and leukocyte were 31.2 % and 27.5 %respectively;Analyzed by urine dipsticks analyzer, the positive rate of urine erythrocyte and leukocyte were 28.3 % and 16.2 % respectively;Analyzed by sediment microscopy,the positive percentage of urine erythrocyte and leukocyte were 35.9% and 45.2% respectively. The positive rate of urine dipsticks analyzer was lower compared with UF--500i and sediment microscopy. Conclusions: Combination of UF--500i automated urinalysis analy- zer, urine dipsticks analyzer and microscopy examination can avoid false positive and false negative results effectively,improve the accuracy and precision in urine analysis.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine