

The Nokh dragon unites two armor biguanides to treat 2 diabetes
摘要 目的:探讨单用二甲双胍与其联合诺和龙治疗2型糖尿病(T2DM)的疗效.方法:60例患者分成两组,单用二甲双胍(对照组)和诺和龙联合二甲双胍(治疗组)各30例.治疗组用二甲双胍0.5g/次,3次/d 诺和龙1mg/次,3次/d.对照组单用二甲双胍0.5g/次,3次/d.分别于用药前、用药半个月、1个月及2个月后查空腹血糖、餐后2小时血糖,用药前及用药2个月查糖化血红蛋白.结果:治疗组的血糖及血红蛋白下降幅度较对照组增大,尤其是餐后2小时血糖的下降幅度增大明显.患者对诺和龙有较好的耐受性,尤其是低血糖的发生率明显降低.结论:诺和龙与二甲双胍联用治疗T2DM 具有协同作用,副作用少,效果明显优于单用二甲双胍治疗,同时可改善T2DM患者对治疗的顺应性. Objective; IfDiscusses only uses two armor biguanides to unite the Nokh dragon to treat 2 diabetes (T2DM) curative effect. Methods: 60 example patients divide into two groups,only uses two armor biguanides (control group) to unite two armor biguanides with the Nokh dragon (treatment group) each 30 examples. The treatment group uses two armor biguanide 0. 5g/time, 3 /d; Nokh dragon ling/time, 3 /d. The control group only uses two armor higuanide 0.5g/time,3 /d. Before the medication, applies drugs separately for half month, 3. month and 2 months looks up the empty stomach blood sugar, meal the latter 2 hours blood sugars, before the medication and applies drugs for 2 months to look up the saccharification hemoglobin. Results:Treats the group the blood sugar and the hemoglobin drop scope compares the control group to increase, meal the latter 2 hour blood sugar drop scope increases in particular obviously. The patient to Nokh Long You the good tolerance,the hypoglycemia formation rate obviously reduces in particular. Conclusion: The Nokh dragon with treats T2DM with two armor biguanide association to have the synergism, the side effect are few,the effect surpasses obviously only uses two armor biguanide treatment,simultaneously may improve the T2DM patient to the treatment elasticity.
作者 陈静
出处 《按摩与康复医学》 2010年第29期100-100,共1页 Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 二甲双胍 诺和龙 2型糖尿病 Two armor biguanide Nokh dragon 2 diabetes
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