
关于我国信用衍生产品市场发展的构思 被引量:4

Suggestions for the development of China's credit derivatives market
摘要 近些年,我国金融市场的快速发展,不仅对信用衍生产品的创新与发展提出迫切需求,同时,也为信用衍生产品的创新与发展提供了必要基础。借鉴国际发达国家经验教训,结合我国发展实际,当务之急是要解决信用衍生产品的有无问题,可按照"从简到繁、由易到难"的思路,分"试点期、加速期、成熟期"三个阶段,在加强管理、严防风险的前提下,循序渐进、分步推动信用衍生品市场持续发展。 In recent years, China's financial market has enjoyed rapid development. This has not only increased the demand for innovations in credit derivatives, but has also provided a solid foundation for them. Currently, the cdtical matter for China is to resolve the problem of nonexistence of credit derivatives by learning from the experiences of developed countries while also taking China's economic development into account. We should adhere to the principle of "from simple to complex, from easy to difficult" and develop in three phases, namely "the pilot stage, the accelerating stage, and the mature stage". We should promote sustainable development of China's credit derivatives market step by step on the basis of strengthening management and guarding against risks.
出处 《中国货币市场》 2010年第9期28-34,共7页 China Money
关键词 信用衍生产品 产品框架 运行框架 风险管理 credit derivatives, product structure, operating structure, risk management
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