以聚乳酸(PLA)为原料,分别用三种不同的溶剂制得三种纺丝液并采用静电纺丝法,制备了聚乳酸纳米纤维。探讨了溶剂、电压、溶液质量分数对纤维形貌和直径的影响。结果表明,溶剂是决定PLA超细纤维形成的关键因素,三氯甲烷(CHC l3)与二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)混合溶剂(体积比为9∶1)是PLA静电纺丝较为理想的溶剂。在PLA质量分数为6%、极距15 cm、电压25 kV,流量2.5 mL/h的工艺条件下,可制备直径为1 200 nm左右的PLA纤维。
With polylactide(PLA) as raw materials,PLA nanofibers were prepared by electrostatic spinning with three kinds of spinning solutions prepared from three different solvents.The effects of solvent,voltage and concentration of the polymer solution on fiber morphology and diameter were discussed.The results shows the solvent is the critical in the formation of ultrafine fibers,the mixed solvent of chloroform(CHCl3) and N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF)(volume ratio of 9 ∶1) is ideal solvent for PLA electrospinning,and a diameter of about 1 200 nm PLA fiber can be prepared by electrospinning under the conditions of concentration 6%,polar distance 15 cm,voltage 25 kV and flow rate 2.5 mL/h.
Chemical Fiber & Textile Technology