运用 I F A T 检测血吸虫抗体和单克隆抗体, Dot- E L I S A 检测循环抗原. 用这两种方法对云南大理市3 个不同流行村低年龄组儿童 (4 ~15 岁) 进行检测. 结果: 新村 I F A T 阳性率 (133 % ) 显著低于双阳村(1152 % ) 和沙里木庄村(1579 % ) ; 而 Dot- E L I S A 检测结果仅沙里木庄村出现1 例阳性反应. 结合各地螺情及病情资料分析, 认为新村确系防治后出现的有螺无病区( 人工潜伏疫区) , 疫情稳定, 血吸虫病流行环节已经阻断. 对这类地区今后的防治对策加以探讨并提出以血清学方法定期监测, 以低年龄组儿童为主, 辅以螺点内螺情监测. Dot- E L I S A 方法似不敏感, 其在云南流行区现场应用的价值有待进一步研究.
Children from 4 to 14 years old were examinated with IFAT and Dot-ELISA with monoclonal antibody in 3 different epidemic villages of Dali city, Yunnan province. The results of IFAT showed that the positive rate of Schistosomic antibody was obviously lower in Xincun village (1 3%) than that in the other two villages (15 7% and 11 52% respectively). Only one positive case of Schistosomic circulating antigen was observed by Dot-DLISA with monoclonal antibody in all three villages, while all children in Xincun were negative. And also in Xincun, no new infection cases had been found for 9 years and no infected snails were found in spite of the existence of snails. These results indicated that Xincun village is a man-made potential epidemic area, appearing after anti-Schistosomiasis, and the transmission of Schistosomiasis having been interrupted. It is suggested that the sero-surveillance of low-age group children and surveillance of snail spot be the main measure of preventing and controlling Schistosomiasis in the man-made potential epidemic areas.
Journal of Kunming Medical College
Schistosomiasis Japonica, Man-made potential epidemic area, Check and surveillance, IFAT, Dot-ELISA with monoclonal antibody