VRML means Virtual Reality Modeling Language, which can design and create variou
s of animated and colorful 3 dimensional virtual models on the Internet. Theref ore, it is
providing earth scientists with a new, exciting and interactive way t o model real life
phenomena of the geographic world. In this paper, VRML is use d in the Web based decision
support system of Heihe Catchment. With the help of VRML2.0 and some GIS technologies, we
create an overall 3 dimensional virtual world of Heihe basin and display it on the Web. In
addition, the more exciting t hing is that the Heihe Catchment can be observed dynamically
under any view poin ts,any positions and any zooms. At last, we prospect more applications of
VRML t echnology in the water resource decision support system of Heihe Catchment.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application