
基于正交试验法的显微镜上照明设计 被引量:2

The design for lighting system on the microscope based on orthogonal experiment
摘要 根据LED光源特性和目标面光强的分布要求,采用正交试验法,对显微镜的LED照明系统进行优化设计。利用TracePro软件对所设计的系统进行光线追迹仿真,结果表明,在Φ50mm的范围内照度均匀性达到83.7%,能量利用率达到52.8%。该结构简单,成本低,易于实现。 According to the LED light source's characteristics and the demand of target surface's light intensity distribution,LED lighting system on the microscope is designd by using orthogonal experiment.Using Tracepro,the ray-tracing simulation results show that the uniformity of illumination reaches 83.7% in the scope of Φ50 mm,and the efficiency can reach 52.8%.The structure is simple,cheap and easy to implement.
出处 《光学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期691-694,共4页 Optical Technique
基金 浙江省科技计划项目(2008C21158)资助项目 浙江省建设科研和推广项目(0910)
关键词 LED 正交试验法 照明系统 LED orthogonal experiment lighting system
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