

The Lagrangian Stability on a Class of Non-Polynomial Periodic Hamiltonian Systems
摘要 证明了非多项式型周期Hamilton方程dx/dt= H/ y(x,y,t),dy/dt=- H/ x(x,y,t)的Lagrange稳定性,其中Hamilton函数H(x,y,t)=x^2m/2m+y^2n/2n+∑i,j∈I^x^iy^jpi,j(x,y,t),pi,j是x,y和t的C^∞周期函数,i,j满足适当的上限条件. In this paper, we prove the Lagrangian stability for the following nonpolynomialtype periodic Hamiltonian system: dx/dt= H/ y(x,y,t),dy/dt=- H/ x(x,y,t) with the Hamiltonian H(x,y,t)= x^2m/2m+y^2n/2n+H1(x,y,t), where H1 is C^∞ and periodic on x, y and t, i,j in I satisfy some suitable inequalities.
作者 金慧萍
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第18期243-250,共8页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 2009年浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y200909130)
关键词 非多项式型 HAMILTON系统 解的有界性 正则变换 Moser扭转定理 nonpolynomial-type hamiltonian system boundedness of solutions canonical transformation moser's twist theorem
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