
后危机时代的战略性新兴产业发展与国家高新区的使命 被引量:4

The Development of Strategic Emerging Industries in Post-crisis Age and Mission of High-tech Industrial Development Zones
摘要 在产业链全球融合和价值链全球极化的环境下,后危机时代是中国战略性新兴产业崛起的"机会之窗",战略性新兴产业则是国家战略需求与科技资源的对接主体。作为新技术响应战略需求的结果,中国战略性新兴产业的发展需要通过国家战略部署发挥市场需求优势,同时通过整合全球资源弥补科技供给不足。在新的历史时期,国家高新区应成为我国战略性新兴产业培育发展的核心载体,即成为其主要策源地、主要培育平台和关键发展载体,同时高新区管委会应成为产业推进组织,即各种产业组织形式的"孵化器",以加强产业生态系统合力和促进产业链突围。 Under the environments of global integration of industry chain and global polarization of value chain,post-crisis age becomes "the window of opportunity" for the rising of China's strategic newly-emerging industries(SNEIs),which are the main entities in charge of meeting the strategic demands with science and technology resources.As the result of new technology in response to strategic demands,to develop SNEIs in China,it is necessary to exert the advantage of massive market demands through strategic deployment and make up for the inadequacy of science and technology through integrating global resources.In the new period,the State high-tech industry zone should become the core carrier for the training and development of SNEIs in China,namely becoming their main place of origin,platform for growth and key carrier for development,while management committees of high-tech industry zone should become the promoter or incubator of multiple forms of industry organization aiming at enhancing the composite force of industry ecosystem and promoting the industry chain to break out of the encirclement.
作者 赵夫增
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 2010年第5期482-489,共8页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 后危机时代 战略性新兴产业 国家高新区 high-tech industrial zone innovation-oviented country national strategy
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