

Efficacy Evaluation of Methadone Maintenance Therapy on Drug Users in Huarong Country from 2008 to 2009
摘要 目的了解2008-2009年岳阳市华容县美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)对药物依赖者连续治疗6个月后的治疗效果,对门诊的运行情况进行评价。方法采取访谈、问卷调查等方式对2008年12月-2009年12月参加华容县美沙酮门诊维持治疗者的一般情况、药物滥用情况、性行为、违法犯罪、社会家庭功能等方面进行调查,采用EXCEL建立数据库,运用SPSS16.0进行统计学分析,对治疗前后个人行为与社会行为方面的比较采用χ2检验。结果共调查对象220例,其中男186例,女34例,男女比例为5.5:1;年龄集中在20~58岁间(30.26±4.37);文化程度高中及中专者占41.8%,大专及以上占29.54%,初中占26.85%;已婚者所占的比例为46.36%;无业者高达66.36%;除性生活外治疗后在吸食毒品、共用注射器、使用安全套和违法犯罪方面同治疗前比较差异均有统计学意义;在治疗过程中共有26例脱失病例,总维持率为88.12%(194/220);治疗者对门诊服务态度总的满意度为92.73%(204/220)。结论对吸毒人员进行美沙酮维持治疗能够减少吸毒者吸食毒品的频率及针具的共同使用率,能够相关的改变个人行为与社会行为,能够提高安全性行为,减少性传播疾病的传播,值得推广。 Objective To know the treatment effectiveness of methadone maintenance therapy(MMT) on drug users after six-month continuous treatment in Huarong County from 2008 to 2009,and to evaluate the function of MMT ambulatory. Methods The way of interview and questionnaire was adopted to record the general conditions,drug abuse,sexual behavior,society and family function of the drug users.Database was established by EXCEL software and the data were analyzed with SPSS16.0 software.Before and after the treatment,the individual behavior and social behavior of the drug users were compared using χ2 test. Results Totally 220 drug users were investigated,including 186 men and 34 women,the proportion of male and female was 5.5:1.The age of the drug users was mainly between 20 and 58 years(30.26±4.37).41.8% of the drug users had culture degree with senior middle school or technical secondary school.The drug users receiving junior college education or above and junior middle school education accounted for 29.54% and 26.85%,respectively.46.36% of the drug users were married,and 66.36% were unemployed.There were statistically significant differences in drug abuse,sharing injectors,using condoms and the behaviors of crime between before and after the treatment expect sexual life.There were 26 missing cases during the course of the treatment,with the total maintenance rate of 88.12%(194/220).The total rate of the patients who were satisfied with MMT service attitude was 92.73%(204/220). Conclusions MMT can reduce the frequency of drug taking and the ratio of sharing injectors,modify the related individual behaviors and social behaviors of the drugs users,increase the safety of sexual behavior,and decrease the occurrence of sexual transmitted diseases.It is worth popularizing among the drug users.
出处 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2010年第9期1884-1886,共3页 Practical Preventive Medicine
关键词 吸毒人群 美沙酮 维持治疗 效果分析 Drug users Methadone Maintenance therapy Efficacy evaluation
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