2Theobald Paul, Nachtigal Paul., Culture, Community, and the Promise of Rural Education. Phi Delta Kappan, Vol.77, No.2, Oct 1995,132-135.
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5Wendell Berry,What Are People For?,San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990,162,164,127.
6James Campbell, Personhood and the Land, Agriculture and Human Values ,Vol.7, No. 1 , 1990,39-43.
7Wendell Berry, The Unsetting of America: Culture and Agricuhure,San Francisco:Sierra Club Books, 1977, 5-22.
8Snauwaert, Dale T. Wendell Berry, Liberalism, and Democratic Theory: Implications for the Rural School. Peabody Journal of Education, Vol.67, No.4, Summer 1990, 118-30.