
融入植被连续性因子的生态单元制图法在城市生物多样性维护中的应用 被引量:3

Application of biotope mapping model integrated with vegetation cover continuity attributes in urban biodiversity conservation.
摘要 基于一个以植被结构为构建框架的生态单元分类系统,构建了融入了植被覆盖连续性因子的改良城市生态单元制图模型,并将其应用于瑞典赫尔辛堡市的绿色空间研究.使用原生林地指示种或林地连续性指示种(AWIS)鉴定长、短连续性林地的分布,对比其含有维管束植物的物种丰富度,对植被覆盖的连续性因子进行评估检验.结果表明:长连续性林地中含有较多的AWIS;在建群种均龄大于30年的林地中,长连续性林地相对于结构相似的短连续性林地通常含有较高的生物多样性.融入植被连续性因子的生态单元制图模型是调查城市生物多样性的重要工具,通过图谱中各生态单元所含有的生物多样性信息,可对今后城市生物多样性的维护提出相应策略. Based on the biotope classification system with vegetation structure as the framework,a modified biotope mapping model integrated with vegetation cover continuity attributes was developed,and applied to the study of the greenbelts in Helsingborg in southern Sweden.An evaluation of the vegetation cover continuity in the greenbelts was carried out by the comparisons of the vascular plant species richness in long-and short-continuity forests,based on the identification of woodland continuity by using ancient woodland indicator species(AWIS).In the test greenbelts,long-continuity woodlands had more AWIS.Among the forests where the dominant trees were more than 30-year-old,the long-continuity ones had a higher biodiversity of vascular plants,compared with the short-continuity ones with the similar vegetation structure.The modified biotope mapping model integrated with the continuity features of vegetation cover could be an important tool in investigating urban biodiversity,and provide corresponding strategies for future urban biodiversity conservation.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期2295-2303,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目(2007-2011)资助
关键词 生态单元制图 连续性 生物多样性 原生林地指示种 植被结构 biotope mapping continuity biodiversity ancient woodland indicator species vegetation structure.
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