
燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒病区食物干燥方法对玉米和辣椒含氟量的影响 被引量:12

Effect of food drying methods on fluoride content in maize and pepper in coal-burning type of fluorosis regions
摘要 目的 观察燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒(简称地氟病)病区不同干燥加工方法对玉米、辣椒含氟量的影响作用,筛选符合粮食干燥质量要求并能有效降低人群总氟摄入量的食物干燥加工方法.方法 将贵州省毕节市地氟病病区农户分为3组:日晒干燥组、密闭烘烤组和敞火烘烤组,每组10户.采集玉米、辣椒鲜品和干燥2周,1、3、6个月的样品,按照〈食品中水分的测定〉(GB/T 5009.3-2003)和〈食品中氟的测定〉(GB/T 5009.18-2003)进行水分和含氟量检测,并计算各组成人每人每日总氟摄入量.结果 鲜品及干燥2周,1、3、6个月的玉米日晒干燥组含氟量分别为(1.40±0.16)、(1.56±0.14)、(2.15±0.47)、(2.70±0.64)、(4.06±1.75)mg/kg,密闭烘烤组含氟量分别为(1.41±0.16)、(2.39±0.56)、(4.60±0.97)、(8.46±5.55)、(11.36±3.60)mg/kg,敞火烘烤组含氟量分别为(1.40±0.13)、(4.69±3.97)、(4.47±2.77)、(9.65±6.47)、(26.12±14.52)mg/kg,而辣椒日晒干燥组含氟量分别为(5.41±1.61)、(16.60±7.62)、(32.60±7.88)、(50.26±17.60)、(240.20±272.49)mg/kg,密闭烘烤组含氟量分别为(7.54±2.95)、(32.38±11.50)、(119.18±156.45)、(224.00±196.58)、(495.70±417.29)mg/kg,敞火烘烤组含氟量分别为(4.82±1.25)、(44.30±13.48)、(122.89±66.43)、(334.23±166.05)、(531.01±397.40)mg/kg,随着干燥时间的延长,3种干燥方式的玉米、辣椒含氟量均递增,且组内差异有统计学意义(F值分别为44.77、128.71、126.87,41.61、53.63、170.63,P均<0.05),以敞火烘烤组增幅最大,日晒干燥组增幅最低.样品淘洗后含氟量明显降低(t值分别为7.93、63.07、5.36,11.98、55.76、7.45,P均<0.05).病区成人食用经日晒干燥并淘洗后的玉米、辣椒,每人每日总摄氟量为2.57 mg,食用另两种干燥方法并经淘洗的玉米、辣椒,总摄氟量分别为5.92、8.14 mg.结论 在燃煤污染型地氟病病区,应采取针对性的健康教育措施,指导病区群众利用日晒干燥供人食用的玉米和辣椒,并养成烹调前淘洗玉米和辣椒的习惯,能有效降低人群总氟摄入量,达到控制地氟病流行的目的 . Objective To explore the effect of different processing and drying methods of corn and hot pepper on fluorine content in coal-burning type of the endemic fluorosis areas, and to screen food processing and drying methods which meet the quality requirements of grain drying and able to effectively reduce the total fluoride intake of local population. Methods Farmers of endemic fluorosis area in Bijie, Guizhou province were divided into 3 groups: sun-baked drying group, stove drying group with air-tight cover and stove drying group with no cover, 10 households in each group. Corn and fresh hot pepper and samples dried for 2 weeks, or 1, 3, 6-month were collected, and water and fluoride content were detected, and the total daily fluoride intake were calculated in accordance with the "Determination of Water in Food" (GB/T 5009.3-2003) and "Determination of Fluorine in Foods"(GB/T 5009.18-2003). Results Fluoride content in fresh corn and dried for 2 weeks, or 1, 3, 6-month [of sunbaked drying group: (1.40 ± 0.16), (1.56 ± 0.14), (2.15 ± 0.47), (2.70 ± 0.64), (4.06 ± 1.75)mg/kg, stove drying group with air-tight cover: (1.41 ± 0.16), (2.39 ± 0.56), (4.60 ± 0.97), (8.46 ± 5.55), (11.36 ± 3.60)mg/kg,stove drying group with no cover: (1.40 ± 0.13), (4.69 ± 3.97), (4.47 ± 2.77), (9.65 ± 6.47), (26.12 ± 14.52)mg/kg] and pepper[sun-baked drying group: (5.41 ± 1.61), (16.60 ± 7.62), (32.60 ± 7.88), (50.26 ± 17.60),(240.20 ± 272.49)mg/kg, stove drying group with air-tight cover: (754 ± 2.95), (3238 ± 11.50), (119.18 ± 156.45),(224.00 ± 196.58), (495.70 ± 417.29)mg/kg, stove drying group with no cover: (4.82 ± 1.25), (44.30 ± 13.48),(122.89 ± 66.43), (334.23 ± 166.05), (531.01 ± 397.40)mg/kg] increased with elongation of drying time, and the group difference was significant(F = 44.77, 128.71, 126.87, 41.61, 53.63, 170.63, all P 〈 0.05), with the largest rate of increase in stove drying group with no cover, and the lowest in sun-baked drying group;fluoride was significantly lower (t = 7.93,63.07,5.36,11.98,55.76,7.45, all P 〈 0.05) after sample washing;total fluoride intake per person per day was 2.57 mg in local adult when ate washed and sun-baked corn, peppers, the total fluoride intake were 5.92, 8.14 mg when ate the food processed by other two drying methods and washed corn, peppers,respectively. Conclusions In the coal-burning type of fluorosis endemic area, should take appropriate health education measures, and instruct local residents to use sun bake their edible corn and pepper for human consumption, and cultivate a habit of washing corn and pepper before cooking, which can reduce the population total fluoride intake, and control endemic fluorosis.
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期536-539,共4页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
关键词 空气污染 室内 氟化物中毒 食品保存 Coal Air pollution,indoor Fluoride poisoning Food preservation
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