
理解教师数学知识的“交互建构模型” 被引量:4

Understanding Teachers’ Knowledge of Mathematics: An Interactive Construction Model
摘要 以施瓦布对学科结构的理解、舒尔曼对学科知识的认识、鲍尔对学科内容知识的解析以及格罗斯曼等对学科知识结构的4维度划分为基础,建立理解数学教师数学知识的“交互建构模型”;该模型把数学教师数学知识理解为“数学内容及其蕴含的数学思想方法知识、数学观念知识和数学结构知识”交互发展的综合统一体;模型的建立对全面理解及准备数学教师数学知识有一定的指导意义. The purpose of this study was to develop a model to understand mathematics teachers' knowledge of mathematics. As a basis for the creation of the model named "the Interactive Construction Model" in this paper, the following research were examined: (1) Schwab's theory of structure of a discipline, (2) Shulman's view on subject matter knowledge, (3) Ball's explanation to the content knowledge of a subject, and (4) Grossman and her collaborators' four-dimensional division to subject matter knowledge. The model had three strands, they were mathematics content knowledge and their methods, beliefs about mathematics and the content structure of mathematics. The three strands as a whole made teachers' knowledge of mathematics develop interactively. The value of the model lies in its usefulness as a guide for understanding and preparing teachers' knowledge of mathematics.
作者 方勤华
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2010年第3期73-75,共3页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 河南省科技厅项目——基于新课程的高中数学教师数学专业素养研究(092400430068) 信阳师范学院2009年度教学改革研究项目——职前数学教师有效教学研究(050943)
关键词 数学教师 数学知识 交互建构模型 mathematics teachers knowledge of mathematics the Interactive Construction Model
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