
组织工程骨在口腔种植中的应用与思考 被引量:5

Tissue-engineered bone in oral implantology
摘要 背景:种植部位骨量不足是临床上种植牙治疗经常遇到的不利因素。组织工程骨在解决种植部位骨量不足方面取得了一定进展。目的:从种子细胞、支架材料、生长因子、以及口腔种植应用等方面,全面了解组织工程骨的构成及其在口腔种植中的应用。方法:以"组织工程骨(tissue-engineered bone),口腔种植(oral implantology)"为检索词,应用计算机检索维普数据库,Pubmed数据库2000/2009有关文章,排除重复性研究。结果与结论:共检索到258篇文献,排除无关重复性的文献,保留25篇文献进行综述。目前口腔种植应用的种子细胞来源主要有骨、软骨、骨外膜、骨外组织、胚胎骨等;生长因子的应用可诱导、加快、和增强牙槽骨的形成;支架材料主要为合成材料,不同支架材料构建的骨移植物植入体内后的修复效果差异很大。组织工程骨由于所需供体组织少,不易发生排斥反应,具有良好的应用前景;但存在临床应用的技术难度大,生长速度缓慢等问题。 BACKGROUND:In the oral implantology,the planting site is usually lack of bone.Tissue-engineered bone has made a progress in the lack of bone of planting site.OBJECTIVE:To overview the composition and application of tissue-engineered bone in the oral implantology from aspects of seed cells,scaffold materials,and growth factors.METHODS:VIP and PubMed databases were searched by computer using Key words of "tissue-engineered bone,oral implantology" for papers published from 2000 to 2009.The repetitive documents were excluded. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Totally 258 literatures were searched by computer,and 25 documents were included in the final analysis.Bone,cartilage,periosteum,extraosseous tissues and fetal bone are the main sources of seed cells.Application of growth factors can induce,accelerate,and enhance the formation of alveolar bone.The synthetic materials are widely used in preparing scaffolds,thus,the repair effects are diversified using different materials.Tissue-engineered bone possesses good prospect due to small donor tissues and few rejections,however,it encounters the problems of great technical difficulty and slow growth speed.
作者 李扬 李钊
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第33期6190-6193,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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